Sunday, 4 November 2007

Saturday night madness

I planned to have a quite evening by myself in the company of my computer or a decent piece of literature.

What actually happened was that my dear little friend Rolf nagged me into submission regarding having a night on the town. 5 glasses of wine and a couple of beers, and some ungodly rum later I'¨m back at my place. It was fun in every sense of the word yet I'm starting to wonder if I'm actually capable of spending a weekend without ending up rather drunk (as at the time I'm writing this). Perhaps I should look into getting a proper girlfriend, as we all know that is definitly the death of everything that's associated with a 'normal' social life here in little Sweden.

Well, I suppose it could be worse, if I had been born a Fin or Russian I'd probably be on the waiting list for a liver transplant right about now.

Cheers mates, if anyone of the people which I'm thinking about actually reads this I want you to know that I really, really, miss you. <3 you friends .

1 comment:

Aras said...

miss you too. vet ju iof, inte om jag räknades med där, men anyways, I do :) Bra att du har börjat skriva igen, kul att läsa. men ta det lugnt med levern ok?

Take care friend!