Thursday 27 September 2007

Missy With An M.

Beauty—such a fleeting thing

To see it around you—within you

But never without,

Is a beautiful painful thing

The now—such a fleeting thing

In it, I see you with me still

But you are receding!

Why do you leave me?

All that untouched beauty

In my past

Is such a very painful thing.


Sunday 23 September 2007

It's my birthday!

The title is self explanatory. Was a nice enough birthday, the only downer would be that it's absolutely terrifying to consider that it's been a whole year since my last one. It's been an eventful year by all accounts and to realize that it has not left a greater mark is somewhat unsettling.

Anyways, I'm off to bed. Later friends.

Thursday 20 September 2007

Why English?

You're Swedish, so why are you blogging in English mate?

The answer is simply that, strange as it may seem, I feel more comfortable when using a language (again, English) that's not my mother tongue. I can think of a couple of possible explanations why this is the case. One is simply that I'm a bit of an Anglophile when it comes to the written word, I've at this point read more literature in English than I have Swedish literature, and obviously familiarity breeds comfort.

Another reason is that using English seems to me a bit like stepping into a sanctuary: Switching language tends to make me see things, be it issues or emotions, in a different light. It's almost like I'm stepping away from what I believe I think and feel and go towards... A safe place where I can discover what I really think and feel. One could say that it adds a sense of perspective.

And of course there is that most of my Swedish friends can read a blog in English with no trouble at all, whereas people I've met over the glorious Internet would feel that attempting to read a blog in Swedish might be somewhat....intimidating.

Now I'm going to run off to my somewhat monotonous work, and to see another day slip away into that blurry place we call the past.

Monday 17 September 2007

Afterwork tiredness and 5 minutes of verse

Today, I've worked from 13:15 to 22:00. Meaning that I left with the bus at 11:15 and got home at 11. Oh the joys of being a regular working man.

Regardless of being ridiculously tired I feel that I've had a productive day involving a trip to the dentist (my teeth are pristine) and a trip to the gym. Seeing as this is going to be my routine (not the dentist, mind) until Friday and some bottled old friends comes along to shed some light on my tired soul there will be little in the terms of news regarding my daily life for the next few days.

I do however hope that I'll get at least some time to call/chat with/ambush some of my friends before the week's up. There are people that are sorely missed during the weeks I spend working, some of you I sadly won't see again for quite some time (since everyone and their hamster seems to have elected to leave the damn country.) I do think about many of you on a daily basis and I even spent a whooping five minutes of my precious working time writing a short poem on the subject.


Nostalgia is a powerful drug
I yearn for that dark peaceful place
Where I can greet the past and shrug
You see, in my mind I can trace
Paths to all the happy days
When you were still in my tiny world


Sunday 16 September 2007

Poetry ahoy

My singing voice

Once I could paint your lovely face
With all the colours I could dream
Impart singing joyous smiles with grace
Bridge the gluttonous crimson stream–

Yet my pallet suddenly and swiftly shifted
Almost black and a mythic mist was rising–
From our safe harbor we’ve both drifted
Alone on reddish waters–hardly surprising.


Saturday 15 September 2007

So.... what now?

So now for something completely different, as stated above I reckon that anyone who'd actually read this is someone with whom I already have an acquaintance the odds that you too are a former IB student seems quite high. If this is the case you might wonder why someone computer literate and fond of writing such as myself haven't written anything for the wonderful we are the IB blog (courtesy of Olle Eriksson). The fact of the matter is that it's jealousy and bitterness (or something close to these two ugly states of mind) that's so far kept me form telling my beloved (as indeed you are) friends about exactly in which direction my life is currently racing away from me.

During the summer (of which I, as promised, will speak no more) I applied for something like twenty different jobs to no avail. It's an obvious truth that the only thing you can get for an IB diploma with fucking beautiful grades is a swift pat on the back. This coupled with the facts that I had no money or any worthwhile pastime activity whatsoever (venting frustration in the gym excluded) had a somewhat detrimental effect on my sense of general well-being. Sigh, there I go and talk about my summer again. I'm sorry I butchered my promise but keep reading, I'm going to appear a bit happier and bitch about completely new content of my life as we get towards the end of this post.

To make a long story (that has virtually no content) shorter (and with something at least close to a point): Eventually, as some of you may know, I did get a job. I currently work with customer support for Viasat in the 'picturesque' town Karlskoga. I'm definitely going to post more on my situation at work in the future but for now I'm just going to say that contrary to what several people seem to think, I quite like the job.

For me, seeing the amount of work I put into it, getting a job with an entirely decent (and legal) salary is something of an accomplishment. I also recently (070903) managed to get my driver's license and have some more or less concrete plans to get an apartment (where work is) together with one of my friends. So there is stuff going on in my life of late.

Why then haven't I written anything in the wonderful IB-blog? The answer to this dear friends is bound to be a rather complex one as I haven't quite settled my thoughts on the matter myself. Therefore I'll leave this hanging for the time being, but I promise more on this will be forthcoming. I bet you're all absolutely dying with curiosity!

It's time to get this show on the road.

So i registered a blog back when I was still reeling from having completed the IB program. In accordance with the frame of mind I was in a couple of months back (depression, boredom et infinitus, physical spongy-ness etc) this blog fell into the same category in terms of priority as all other projects I may have contemplated at the time.
Priority: Zero/Null/'Go and hide in the closet you stupid project' are a couple of labels appropriate for any activity back during the summer months which would involve even a modest level of craftiness on my part.

If this blog indeed does have any prospective readers I suppose that such would be people that already know me, at least to some extent. And I'm sure you've all heard my incessant nagging about having had nothing to do all summer (and no money to do nothing with). Knowing that some of you think of me as a nagging bitch I'm henceforth discontinuing this particular line of bitching on my part: I've decided not to speak another word about the worthless summer of 2007.