Saturday 29 December 2007

Wednesday 26 December 2007

Another week

And so much more alcohol. Really I cannot wait for this year to be over, going from health fascist to smelly derelict has been a hard and tiering process. I've only got two more days left at my current place of employment and the new year does hold great promise for betterment in pretty much conceivable category.

Aim is to move to Oslo, get a better job, meet new people and pull myself back together. Which means chaning back to a more constructive and less alcohol related lifestyle. Put the focus back on the body etc. It's going to be a hard couple of months at the (a new one) gym to get back to where I was towards the end of the summer. The upside is that I'm bristling with motivation.
My level of self loathing eventually reaches a fulcrum, I know since previous episodes of similar states of mind, and I'll swing back towards my previous sense of character and start acting accordingly again. Then again this autumn has been the most extreme episode as of yet. I've been throughly self destructive.
If I did not feel this blooming desire to do something about my situation I'd be seriously worried, yet certainty that I'll swing back instills confidence. Then yet again that might be a thing to consider in and of itself, I do tend react with a corresponding level of force to any issue I encounter. Pulling myself together from my current state is going to be a fast process. Which by implication means that I'm going to be rather harsh with myself coming the new year. It's got nothing to do with any sort of new years resolution, for me it's rapidly becoming an urgent psychological necessity to climb back up and seeing how far I feel I've fallen...

There is a lesson in this too, I don't particularly regret the way things are as I have a brighter tomorrow in front of me. The path is set and all that, it's just the work that remains and that comes much easier. The lesson I'm thinking of is that sometimes good thing come from firstly 'falling' a bit so to speak. For me I needed a great big kick in the balls from good ol' fate to get me going somewhere. When I think about it being stuck in wretched monotony at my now thankfully former workplace (even dissregarding the direct physical impact such as losing A LOT of weight and feeling like crap as soon as I wake up in the morning) that would probably be the worst thing I could do.

I'm off running towards the rising sun again, and with a bit of luck I'll find a happier tomorrow.

Tuesday 18 December 2007

What about tuesday?

Firstly, I called in sick. I'm not sure if this is dishonest behavior on my part or what not since I'm feeling so much like a pile of crap that I can't even tell if It's my psychology messing with me or if my stomach is subject to an actual infection.

So what do I do? I go down and get a piercing. A metal stud through the eyebrow: A momentary distraction from psychological pain. Too bad it didn't last longer. Funny how the collective of mind and body tend to let physical pain override mental anxiety. Must be an evolutionary advantage in there.

Secondly, I've imbibed alcohol yet another night of the week, which makes for a total of let's see... four of the last seven. I don't think I should be worried yet but one does come to think of spare time alcoholics. New situations begets new understandings.

More precisely I went out and had a couple of beers with Viktor. Had a great time all in all. We got our fair share of complaining (well that was mostly me) and nostalgia out of it. Then I come home (time of this post) and my monstrous Winamp playlist tosses this song at me:

Puddle of Mud - She hates me

Met a girl
Thought she was grand
Fell in love
Found out first hand
Went well for a week or two
Then it all came unglued

In a trap
Trap I can't grip
Never thought I'd be the one who'd slip
Then I started to realize
I was living one big lie
She fuckin' hates me
She fuckin' hates me
La la la love
I tried too hard
And she tore my feelings like I had none
And ripped them away

She was queen for about an hour
After that, her shit got sour
She took all I ever had
No sign of guilt
No feeling of bad, no

That's my story
As you see
Learned my lesson
And so did she
Now it's over
And I'm glad
Cuz I'm a fool for all I said

I laughed, and laughed and then laughed some more upon hearing this.
Is this the workings of a talented songwriter able to jizz out something a lot of people can relate to or is it another sign that my current mental state truly is a stereotypical one?
Don't know, don't care, but by coincidence finding something so applicable to my current situation plus the fact that it's a mainstream oriented song amuses the hell out of me.

My personal pain ain't special. If I walk down the street getting honest answers out of people about their romancing experiences I'll find that what I feel ain't NOTHING new. People will say 'bin there done that'.
And the irony of that again makes me laugh, and laugh and laugh.... all the way to sleep.

Some quotes in my native tongue.

"Du är bara bitter för att du klantat dig med min bil, jag dissar dig och du har blivit av med jobbet....jag är ledsen för att du beter dig så jävla barnsligt just nu"

"Du är en sån där människa man bara mår dåligt av att träffa"

"Jag stör mig bara så mycket på så många av grejerna du gör"

"Så jävla pinsamt att du ringde och skämde ut dig förut, jag hade ju smsat till dig att jag inte ville bli störd"

And she thinks I'm mean to her.
And why do I hurt so easily?

Monday 17 December 2007

Loss of appetite

I really don't know if it's the stress, current state of unhappiness or some actual sickness that's been gnawing away all of my appetite these last few days.
Neither alternative is very heartening since I find it gravely disturbing that me feeling like a discarded toy may actually have a real physical impact on my poor poor body.

I find myself thinking of Jake Gyllenhaal's character in Jarhead, I usually have a standard solution for when physically feeling like a piece of crap (no will to eat = no calories = no energy). For example: If sick, then rest and eat as much as you can. Go back to the gym, take it easy and slowly recover.
But now, I feel sick because my current state of min reflects badly on my body. I want to scream at my pituitary to stop stimulating the release of stress hormones but I just can't bring my psychology around to complying with my rational state of mind. It sucks not to be the boss inside ones own head.
Now I've felt depressed before, but never like this, and it scares the shit out of me. Still I'm not worried that I won't recover and end up as a sad broken shell of a man. It's not that bad.

What I'm saying is simply that I think I start to understand how people can lose the will to go on with their lives in any direction. I understand how someone might just lay down and give up.
That state is still far far away for me personally. I'm just saying that I've glimpsed a fraction of it towards the other end of the valley next to the future sunshine I hope for.

Sunday 16 December 2007

Knock Knock

I really need to meet a girl that's insane in the same sense I am.
Cuz' when I meet ones that's of a wholly different brand of crazy then someone gets hurt. Usually me.

Saturday 15 December 2007

Delicious Venting (Part 1)

The last two weeks have consisted of some of the worst days of my life. This is not an understatement. I need to vent.

.....but instead of venting and in doing so, by all that which is probable, end up regretting posting something all too personal in a decisively public place I think I'll write about a related topic in a wholly unrelated way.

Adam is going to talk about sex.

So what about it? Everybody wants it, some of us have it and some are scared by it. Regardless of which category one belongs there lies a constant at the bottom of it. Sex frustrates everybody.

I'm 19. I state this because it underlines the fact that I by no means have some sort of sagely knowledge on the subject.

However I do feel that I'm sufficiently experienced to tell the difference between good sex and the kind you wish to commit ritualized suicide after having the displeasure of experiencing. Apart from this fact I think that I know something about all of the different positions (no pun intended) one can view the sex-issue from.

I'm horny as hell, which certainly means that I know about wanting it. I occasionally have it which means that I've managed to get a taste of the varying complications that ALWAYS seem to spring from it. Which incidentally are the same complications that often have me scared shitless. Thus I want it, have it and am scared by it.

Wanting sex is only natural right? I mean there's absolutely no sense to fighting your biology and biology has sex pinned right next to eating and taking a shit. Let's face it we're built for it. Denying it is the same as denying a part of our humanity which is an issue that's in itself a huge bag of worms. Sex needs, like most things, needs to be approached with the understanding that it's a part of everyone and that no amount of denial will change it. Let's just accept it and build from there.

So how does one build from the fact that I as a human being both want and need sex?
If I'm pretty, I can get drunk stumble and fall with my reasonably turgid meatrod (alcohol can do this or so I am told) into a more or less pretty and more or less drunk fellow human being. A night on the bar is as we all know a socially perfectly acceptable way to spend some or most of the days of the week and intercourse with a perfect stranger either above you or below you on the scale of of pruettyness is an undeniable source of amusement for either the own ego or that of your like-minded friends.
If I'm ugly I've been recently blessed with the introduction of free internet porn that any fourteen year old with half a brain can dive into in drink until it spills out again through every orifice.

Let's stop here. I just want to state that I'm freakishly aware that I'm a presumptuous ass for suggesting that everyone fall into one of the two above mentioned categories. Generalizing people into the ugly and the beautiful when considering what's politically correct is a huge no-no so before you start sharpening your various lynching accessories stop to consider that I may actually have a point.

I myself have occasionally ventured into either of the two avenues outlined above and what I've discovered is they both lead the afore mentioned frustration.
At least for me neither of the two paths lead to much satisfaction. The first path firstly leads to the kind of crappy sex that makes you want to put a very sharp blade into you abdomen and watch as you guts curl up in funny ways in places they just don't belong. Secondly there's probably nothing worse than waking up next to something you just don't want closer than ten feet away and fully clothed.
About porn I think there's much reason to dislike it because of the inherent lethargy of it. How can watching people do something that you yourself would kill to experience ever measure up to actually doing it yourself.
I sound overly judgmental, not all one night stands need to be horrid experiences and I don't cry myself to sleep after watching Rocco violate some east european girl.
But the point is this, by pursuing a fundamental need people get in all sorts of shitty situations not to mention states of mind. We've taken care of the problem of having a constant food supply and we've introduced water toilets yet we just keep complicating sex.

I'm going to continue this I promise. But for now I'll finish with a personal statement underlining just how fucked (oh the puns) my own personal view on sex can be:

I love women. I love sex. Obviously I want good sex.
Yet I do not like women that know have to have good sex.
Because the fact that they know how to have it, disturbs my sensibilities.

Contradictions cause conflict, and within the own mind they led to pain.


Wednesday 12 December 2007

I can't believe....

It's been another whole month. Time's got wings I tell ya. When there's nothing memorable to weigh it down it just goes and steals another month from my life here on this little blue ball.

Last Saturday I passed by Uppsala (City) on my way to Arlanda (Airport). And since I have a couple of former classmates living there I brought my fluffy red-haired friend Olle along and dropped in for a visit. Visits like this one tend to make the beast of anxiety called nostalgia sprawl within my chest. By seeing my old friends, I reflect upon the life I had before contrasted by the life I now lead. I don't feel that there's anything strange about this. I am sure most people put in similar situations would agree.

I feel like I'm being tugged between what's old and what's new. Something something. I'll try to finish this when I'm sober and in a more controlled state of mind.

As for the medieval people mentioned in my last post, I think that they must be truly enigmatic in their nature. On one hand they receive infinitely less stimuli than a modern day man. On the other, they must be more absorbed in the things that are directly relevant to their day to day existence. Fewer problems, (will the crops grow, will the local lord rape my daughters?). And also fewer joys. He can't get any instant gratification from picking up a new Ipod in the mail now can he?

Which raises the interesting question, does this make his joys and hardships more profound? Starvation is clearly a greater hardship than buying a couple of jeans of the wrong size, not much question about that. So what's interesting about the question is the part about his joys. Is the joy and pride he feels over his children for example more profound than the joy of an equally committed modern day man feels? Because his joys are not diluted by Ipods and whatnot?
Reflection is key, maybe the capacity for joy for one man is limitless but still his time to appreciate it certainly is not. Will one be happier with few profound joys with no other minor things to play as distractions that take up time better spent rejoicing over what's really important?
I think that is why some people like myself bitch about all the utterly irrelevant things, because we are distracted from what ought to be the true joys and sorrows even in a 'modern' world. Realizing this may well be a first step on the path to leading a life with something labeled 'meaning' attached to it. The second and much harder step is to put aside all those irrelevancies and pursue that elusive happiness.
Stay tuned for when I manage to take that step.
Kisses and sweet dreams.