Sunday 13 April 2008

Hi, I am Adam

Yes I have not written anything for quite some time. I blame the lack internet in the combination with privacy.

Tonight was another Oslo night. A Saturday Oslo night at that, albeit not a crazy one. Should I be regretful or thankful. Probably the latter.

These last few months have been interesting, I've relocated. I've drunk a bit of Amunds Pils, cheap Norwegian bear for the unenlightened. I've been home, I've been drunk at several establishments. I've met several interesting people, and many not so interesting.
A highlight was Sonnie sniffing a 28 years old blond girls hair in front of us in line for our coats at closing time. It is a strange world when we after that can convince her, and her friend that we are not stalker rapists and I at least end up kissing something semi-pretty. (Not the blond mother mind)

But enough of highlights, tonight I am alone. I am finding myself in the unpleasant position of being drunk enough to have impaired writing skills yet not drunk enough to stop brooding or fall into sweet forgetful sleep. I am going to eat, I am going to sleep. Just not yet.

A thought arose, that I might have an unhealthy fetish for girls named Maria. I am on my third pretty girl named Maria which have left me more than a bit disappointed. Other names belonging to people whom I am interested in has yet to reach two. It's still not all that statistically unlikely that I "fall" for more girls named Maria but I need to watch how this develops. A "fetish" (used for lack of a better term) for a name seems rather pathetic and out of character for me, but hey it's hard to rationalize everything.

I ought to write some more on a little project that I have, you might have guessed that it's poetry. In a strike of inspiration I started writing something when I was home in Karlstad over the easter and have yet to pursue any serious continuation here in Oslo. hopefully that will come as I feel that this may be the best thing I have ever written. So stay tuned for that.

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