Monday 17 September 2007

Afterwork tiredness and 5 minutes of verse

Today, I've worked from 13:15 to 22:00. Meaning that I left with the bus at 11:15 and got home at 11. Oh the joys of being a regular working man.

Regardless of being ridiculously tired I feel that I've had a productive day involving a trip to the dentist (my teeth are pristine) and a trip to the gym. Seeing as this is going to be my routine (not the dentist, mind) until Friday and some bottled old friends comes along to shed some light on my tired soul there will be little in the terms of news regarding my daily life for the next few days.

I do however hope that I'll get at least some time to call/chat with/ambush some of my friends before the week's up. There are people that are sorely missed during the weeks I spend working, some of you I sadly won't see again for quite some time (since everyone and their hamster seems to have elected to leave the damn country.) I do think about many of you on a daily basis and I even spent a whooping five minutes of my precious working time writing a short poem on the subject.


Nostalgia is a powerful drug
I yearn for that dark peaceful place
Where I can greet the past and shrug
You see, in my mind I can trace
Paths to all the happy days
When you were still in my tiny world


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